Remote Learning

We’re committed to ensuring children can continue their education at home. Should the school or your child’s class be closed for any reason, here are some key things to work on with your child at home.

We are happy to help if you need any support with accessing Tapestry or the work provided. Please contact the school office and ask to speak with Mrs Brewer with any questions or concerns.


  • Read a story and talk about the characters
  • Practise phonics as often as you can
  • Practise counting
  • Talking about shapes and finding some in the home
  • Letter and number formation
  • Interact and play games

Year 1:

  • Find objects around your home and use your phonics to label them.
  • Read a book every day and write a sentence about what happened in the story, remembering to include capital letter and full stops.
  • Collect 10 pairs of socks, use them to practise counting in 2s
  • Get a pile of your favourite toys or Lego, group them into tens an ones and count how many you have
  • Get some seeds and plant them, record how high your plant grows each day.

Year 2:

  • Read everyday
  • Write book reviews for the books you finish
  • Keep a diary
  • Practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • Complete calculations using all four operations (+, -, x and ÷)
  • Measure objects around your home and record the lengths
  • Go on a 3D shape hunt, write the names of all the shapes you find, then make a table and record the number of faces, edges and vertices for each object.
  • Collect some coins from your money box, list the coins you have and find the total amount. Try to make the same amount using different coins.